6. Juni 2023

Survey on inflation in Germany

Current survey on the perception and causes of inflation in Germany

Survey on inflation in Germany

Despite a recent slight decline, inflation remains at a historically high level. How do Germans perceive the price increases? For themselves, their fellow citizens and the economy? Where do they see the causes and where solutions for the future?

In a population-representative quota-based online survey (May 8-14, 2023), we asked 1,000 people from all over Germany about the high inflation figures.

Selected results:

  • Across all social classes and age groups, a large majority of 88% feel the devaluation of money clearly or at least moderately into their everyday lives
  • 30% of citizens currently have to do without something in their daily shopping
  • 53% of all 18-29 year olds have had to increase their working hours or take on another job due to inflation. For over 66 year olds, this is only true for 14%
  • 71% of all retirees nevertheless see their own generation as the most affected

Where do Germans see the causes of inflation?

  • 59% name the war in Ukraine here. 54% cite Europe's dependencies on countries from which we obtain energy and other goods or raw materials
  • The greed of companies for profit is suspected by 44% as the reason for inflation. Accordingly, only 5% believe that large corporations suffer from inflation
  • Also Corona is still present: 41% see the pandemic as a relevant cause

Measures & ways out of inflation

  • Only 21% trust the traffic light government to be able to solve the price problems soon, almost two-thirds do not believe so (63%)
  • 53% of respondents want legally regulated price limits for everyday goods, want a noticeable tax cut (49%) or direct government subsidies (34%)
  • 19% argue for the exit from the euro and the return to the D-Mark

Look into the future

84% believe that extreme or at least above-average inflation rates will be with us for years to come.

All results and the complete survey design can be found here in the study presentation.

Press Release Inflation
Presentation Inflation Study

Ihr Erfolg, Unser Ziel!