Press Release, Düsseldorf, January, 21st 2025
Herbert Höckel, CEO of the institutes moweb research and AMR Advanced Market Research, is now starting his application for a place on the Council of ESOMAR, the largest international market research association based in Amsterdam.
The election campaign for the nine-member council will start immediately, the election phase will run from 3 to 16 February 2025 and the results will be announced on 24 February.
Herbert Höckel on his goals as a Council member:
‘I am passionate about helping ESOMAR to further expand its central role and importance for the global market research industry. ESOMAR should be even more of a driver of new technologies, promote innovative research methods and be a door opener for young talent.’
Höckel on his plans for the DACH region:
‘German-speaking market research in particular must once again play a greater role within ESOMAR and increase its visibility. More content-related impetus, initiatives and, above all, minds from Germany, Austria and Switzerland - that's my goal!’
The ESOMAR Council is made up of selected experts from the global market research community. As the highest body, it is responsible for strategic direction, compliance with ethical standards and representing the interests of the industry.
Further information at
All of Herbert Höckel's goals, his mission statement and all areas of activity relating to his election to the ESOMAR Council can be found at
About ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Market Research)
Founded in 1947, ESOMAR (headquartered in Amsterdam) claims to represent around 6.5 million members from the market research industry in over 130 countries.
About Herbert Höckel
Herbert Höckel is Managing Director of moweb research and AMR Advanced Market Research. He has been making a name for himself as an advocate and innovator for digital market research since the early 2000s. He is also a book author, current title: ‘Denken Sie wie Ihre Kunden’ (Think like your customers) and founder of the regular industry event ‘#WeLoveResearch’.